For most users, you will follow a very basic usage. Just create any new page or post where you would like to insert the quiz. Then simply type in the shortcode [mtouchquiz #]
where the number is the id number of the quiz as seen on the far left column in “Manage Quizzes.” You may also use [mtouchquiz id=#]
. Then when anyone visits this page or post, your quiz will display instead of the weird code. You can still put other words or images before or after that code to fancy up the page.
Various options are available to modify the behavior of the quiz, if you’d like to customize things further.
Simply add them to your shortcode as follows. No commas necessary.
[mtouchquiz id=# option1=value1 option2=value2]
For example: [mtouchquiz id=1 showanswers=now hints=off]
Option | Description | Default Determined | Values | Effect |
id | Determines which quiz to display. This can be located in the mTouch Quiz Dashboard. It is the numer in the first column of the “Manage Quizzes” Submenu. | No default. Must specify | Number | Displays the questions from the Quiz with specified ID. |
showanswers | Determines when correct answers are indicated.Note: setting multiplechances=on will enforce the option showanswers=now | In Quiz Options in Dashboard | never | Answers are never revealed. |
end | Answers are only revealed at the end of the quiz. | |||
now | Answers are revealed at the end of each question. | |||
questions | Determines how many questions are displayed. | All questions | Number | The quiz will show the number of questions specified. Note that if randomq is not turned on, this will always be the same questions in the order they appear in the database. |
randomq | Determines if the questions are arranged randomly. | In Quiz Options in Dashboard | on | Questions are displayed in a random order. |
off | Questions are displayed in the order they appear in the database. | |||
randoma | Determines if the answers are arranged randomly. | In Quiz Options in Dashboard | on | Answers are displayed in random order. |
off | Answers are displayed in the order they appear in the database. | |||
singlepage | Determines if questions are displayed one at a time or all at once. | In Quiz Options in Dashboard | on | All questions are displayed on a singple page with no “next” or “back” arrows. |
off | Questions appear 1 at a time with a “next” and “back” arrow to navigate to the next/previous items. | |||
time | Sets a time limit with a countdown clock. (Premium Feature) | In Quiz Options in Dashboard | 0 | No time limit |
Positive Integer | Specifies the number of SECONDS before the quiz is automatically ended. | |||
multiplechances | Determines if multiple opportunities to answer a question is given.Note: setting multiplechances=on will enforce the option showanswers=now | In Quiz Options in Dashboard | on | A user can attempt a problem more than once with partial credit for correct answer. |
off | A user can only attempt a problem once. | |||
hints | Determines if hints will be shown, when they have been supplied. | In Quiz Options in Dashboard | on | Hints specified are displayed. |
off | Hints specified are not displayed. | |||
startscreen | Determines if the start screen created in the Quiz Options will be displayed. | In Quiz Options in Dashboard | on | A user specified start screen is displayed along with a “Start” button to reveal the first question. |
off | No “Start” button or start screen is shown. The first question appears immediately. | |||
finalscreen | Determines if the final screen created in the Quiz options will be displayed. | In Quiz Options in Dashboard | on | A user specified final screen is displayed. A “Get Results” button must be selected to show the screen. |
off | No final screen is shown. | |||
list | Determines if a summary list view will be available. This gives an easy way to navigate longer quizzes and to quickly determine which questions are compeleted. | on | on | A list view is available. |
off | No list view is available. | |||
autoadvance | Determines if the questions automatically display after completing each question. | off | on | After a question is completed, the next question is automatically displayed |
off | User must select the next arrow to see next question | |||
proofread | Determines if all hints and explanations and correct/wrong indicators are revealed automatically. This shows all questions in the database in order, in a singple page format. Note that this is a global option and if multiple quizzes are displayed on the same page, all quizzes generated after a quiz is in proofreading mode will also be in proofreading mode. This option simply includes a proofread mode CSS file which displayes everything. | off | on | See description. |
off | Things display normally. | |||
alerts | Determines if a warning will be given before navigating away from a page containing an incomplete quiz. This is not currently supported (as of 2.1.0) in mobile browsers. | In mTouch Quiz Options page (affects all quizzes unless changed on a per quiz basis) | on | A warning will be given if the quiz is not complete. |
off | No warning will be given. | |||
title | Determines if the quiz title is displayed. | on | on | The title specified in the Quiz Options will be displayed. |
off | No title will be displayed. | |||
labels | Determines if the question labels “Question X” is displayed or not. | on | on | Question labels will be displayed. |
off | No question labels will be displayed. | |||
status | Determines if the ‘real time’ grading and completion indicator line is displayed. | on | on | A status line of current grading/completion will be displayed. |
off | No status will be shown. | |||
offset | Determines which question number to begin displaying. | 1 | Number | Questions will only be chosen that are GREATER than OR EQUAL to the specified question number. |
firstq | Determines which question number to begin displaying. (Same as offset but with better name!) | 1 | Number | Questions will only be chosen that are GREATER than OR EQUAL to the specified question number. |
lastq | Determines which question number to begin displaying. | no effect | Number | Questions will only be chosen that are LESS than OR EQUAL to the specified question number. |
singlequestion | Allows for the display of a single question. | no effect | Number | Only one question will be shown corresponding to the specified number. |
formid | Specify the form to use to submit quiz results. (Premium Feature) | In Quiz Options in Dashboard | Number | Displays form specified for user to submit name and results. |
autosubmit | Specify if the form should be automatically submitted when a user hits “Get Results” | off | on | Automatically submits when set to on. |
showstamps | Determine if the “Correct”, “Wrong” and “Partial-Credit” stamps appear at the end of the quiz even if you choose not to show correct answers. | on | end | Turns ON the stamps at the end of the quiz regardless of showing correct answers. |